Jun 2, 2020
’Twas the time of His favor
That He gave up His throne
When He came to God’s temple
And He called forth His own,
“Is anyone thirsty?
Let him come here and drink.
Living water o’er flowing
From Heaven’s grand brink.”
He spoke of the Spirit
They had yet to receive,
To them would be given
In hearts that believe.
’Twas after ascension,
Christ returned to His home,
Remembering His promise,
Down suddenly flown,
Rushing wind of His presence,
Mighty sound from above,
Tongues of fire now resting,
Gifting flames of His love.
’Twas the blest Holy Spirit,
Bursting up from within,
Gracing tongues of redemption,
The forgiveness of sin.
Wait – story ’s not finished,
Much more ’s to be told;
Heaven’s River still rushes,
Raising saints ever bold.
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