Cast Me Not Away 

Cast Me Not Away 

Mar 10, 2017

By: Pastor Mark Frusti 3-10-17   Thoughts of Lent this year revolve around the presence of Christ found through-out the Bible and in Church History. The presence of Christ was experienced in the Garden of Eden, in the Flood and in the lives of the Patriarchs. It was also typified in the Exodos Passover, in the giving of the Ten Commandments, in the Divinely...

Searching for the Real Martin Luther

Searching for the Real Martin Luther

Apr 13, 2013

by DAVID C. STEINMETZ c. 2012 Religion News Service   DURHAM, N.C. (RNS) Protestants have traditionally celebrated Oct. 31 as the anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation, a movement that divided Western Christendom and gave birth to such diverse religious groups as Lutherans, Presbyterians, Anglicans and Mennonites. On Oct. 31, 1517, an...

Abortion and the Gospel

Abortion and the Gospel

Apr 5, 2013

I recently had the opportunity to hear a presentation by a well-known prolife speaker on abortion. The argument against abortion, he said, lay in the answer to the question “Is the fetus a human being or not?” In meticulous fashion he presented his case which in substance said that if you can prove to an abortion proponent or a woman considering...

A Response to the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife

A Response to the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife

Apr 5, 2013

by Paul L. Maier As for the so-called “Wife of Jesus Gospel” (so-named by its discoverer, Harvard professor Karen King), while the document is in-teresting, it is only another of the long string of Gnostic writings that have been surfacing ever since 1947. Like all the others, it is of little or no use as authentic source material on Jesus. All Gnos-tic...

Born again!

Born again!

Apr 4, 2013

by Paul Sieveking   In his autobiography, the actor Sir Alec Guiness wrote about his confirmation day. His head was full of Bible stories and doctrine. The church was filled with parents, sponsors and friends. “I remember white hands and shaggy black eyebrows, a pale green light filtered through the windows, and at the age of 16, one early summer day, I arose...

Real life Hunger Games

Real life Hunger Games

Apr 4, 2013

by Philip B. Wolf For many, it is the latest fascination. For those washed shameless in God’s Sacrament of Baptism, it is the latest divine dinner bell calling from Camp Calvary to us, the satisfied, to serve those yet unsatisfied with the permanent solution to their hunger for life and love. For everyone, it’s The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is the first of...

Why should the average kid go to church?

Why should the average kid go to church?

Apr 3, 2013

(A Letter to My Two Teenage Boys) Okay, guys. I’ve never told you that “you are the future of the Church.” And I never will. The Bible says the Church is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone” (Eph. 2:20). Jesus is the future of the Church. Jesus is “the same...