Nov 25, 2017
Advent 2017: Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
Advent midweek Services begin Wed. November 29.
Potluck dinner at 6:00 pm, Informal service follows 6:45 pm
When feelings of Christmas are not what we envisioned. When Santa becomes surreal, whenChristmas becomes a crisis, when heaven is no longer our haven, when the babe adored is no longer our Lord. The distractions of Advent can cause disenchantment and lead us to disengage with family and friends. But our Heavenly Father sent His only Son for us! It’s time to refocus. Its time to Fix Your Eyes on Jesus the incarnate One. Being in very nature God, he made himself nothing; being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and was obedient. For the joy set before him he endured the cross. Take time this year to really think about, to worship and to pray to God in the name of Jesus. And may the Greatest Gift of all be yours, both to have and to give away.
May He bless and fill you this Advent with true faith, peace, hope and love. Pastor and Mrs Frusti
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