Concentrate and Pray Everyday

Concentrate and Pray Everyday

May 16, 2020

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:5-6.

John Newton, a slave-trader, had become enslaved himself on the coast of Guinea. He made a fire hoping that a passing ship might see it and come ashore. One did come by and seeing the fire sent a longboat to investigate. The Captain was a friend of his father and rescued him.  But on that ship – in the midst of a raging storm, he would finally cry out to his Heavenly Father for mercy. “What mercy can there be for me...?  On that day the Lord came from on high and delivered me out of deep waters.” Newton discovered the way to eternal life in heaven. We may face uncertain days and even question God “what mercy can there be for me?”  But Jesus assures us, as he did Thomas time and again, “I am the way…come to the Father through Me.” Keep your eye now – looking on high!

A Prayer for today:

Dear Lord Jesus, you are the way, the truth and the life. We come before you to plea for mercy for all our sins and way-ward living.  Forgive us.  Draw us to you, present us before the Father and bring us into the place you have prepared.  Send the Spirit of truth that we may know and love God and concentrate upon His living word  everyday.  In your name we pray.  Amen. 

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