Bible Study-Noah

Bible Study-Noah

Jul 1, 2014

noah_BBLstudythumbNoah – The Man, The Ark, The Flood
By: Rev. Kurt Klaus
(Includes subtitles in English) A five centuries-old man building a huge boat on the startling news of coming floodwaters – sounds like the makings of one remarkable story. It is. Jump in and get your feet wet with Noah: The Man, The Ark, The Flood, the latest Bible study from the Men’s Net Work.
Hosted by Rev. Kurt Klaus and filmed on location at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, this four-part Bible study from the Men’s NetWork looks at the biblical character of Noah, his life and times, and the remarkable vessel he built to escape the waters of the flood. Along the way, commentary from numerous specialists considers the issue of extreme human age, how building such a watercraft was possible, the extent of the flood’s reach, how a single vessel could hold such a multitude of animals, and the phenomena of far-flung flood stories in other cultures.

Date: Sunday, July 6 2014 for 5 Sundays.
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Place: Faith Lutheran Church
2525 Helm Road
(cross the street from Sunny Hill Elementary School)
Carpentersville, IL 60110

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